This time, it's thoughts from my time in Rexburg. Mostly written while in the Spori art gallery--my favorite place on BYU-I campus and one I frequented almost daily.
To what dream do I lean on in this world? to what reality? The face not beautiful but real speaks to me. I wish to reach out--to feel the texture of the work. I wish to bask in the eyes that remind me of my own.
But to touch--to feel--to experience is forbidden. Fruit only for the eyes--too rich for the soul --shall escape the taste once more.
How much power do I hold within me?
All of he knowledge of the world came through the human mind.
What power and ability has been endowed to me by God?
What am I capable of?
More strength and wisdom and knowledge is held within my being than libraries or congress.
Oh, the depth!
Oh, the responsibility!
I've discovered that one thing that cannot be replaced or replicated is age. And so time becomes my allie and my enemy. I write for it--waiting for my turn.
How, too, do you handle yourself when you find that another's attraction is greater than your own? Such an alien concept in the mind such as my own becomes suddenly common place when placed in a situation where the ravaging wolves called men are anxious to feed.
However, when given a choice between ravaging beast and adoring puppy would I chose the latter?
Is it learning to feel that is the problem or learning to feel in the right direction?
For what is a feeling but a moment and a stop? A moment...and a stop.
What is the difference between bullying and independence?
How much of opportunity makes you great?
How much of greatness is purely opportunity?
What is reality?
What, or who, gives you power?
The life wind's gone
In this shattered tale
A Fairy Land under siege.
But who's dreaming state
Awakens now
And for which game's
Minor league.
I will not let the
Fates prevail
In this cold life of mine
For what I do,
I do of me.
The future holds
Only time.
The hardest thing for me is to comprehend all the wasted time.
6 years ago
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