Is this how the dragon feels? Contained within her cage? And when she leaves her lair she becomes the black dot moving throughout the land?
Is this how the dragon feels? Cut off from her home. Not daring to go out for misery's disgrace amongst the once familiar land?
Is this how the dragon feels? At once completely whole, now a part onto herself, only in her mind.
Is this how the dragon feels? The frustrated passion for life quelched under a misunderstanding both personal and trivial, aware that if clarity could only be known then the world would again turn into the fields of sun covered dew?
This is how I feel. I feel as the dragon feels.
When I wake up in the morning, will the world be set right? Will the vision be whole? Or will I find myself again in my cave of damp and dark? Will I find myself again as I am today?
6 years ago
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